Georgia Cosmetology License Information

In order to obtain a license in Cosmetology, Nail Technology, or Skin Care in the state of Georgia, individuals must complete the requirements listed below. Other requirements may apply.

Cosmetologist: 1500 hours (apprenticeship: 3000 hours)
Esthetician: 1000 hours (apprenticeship: 2000 hours)
Nail Technician: 525 hours (apprenticeship: 2050 hours)

Continuing Education Requirements:

CE Hours: The number of CE hours is five (5) hours.
Waiver: All licensees who have been licensed for 25 years or longer may receive a waiver of the required CE. In addition, licensees who can prove to the Board that they have a hardship may also request a waiver.
Health & Safety Required: Three (3) of the five (5) required hours must be fulfilled with a health and safety course specific to your profession.
Two Hours Open: The two (2) remaining required hours may be fulfilled by attending a trade or product show, or completing other courses in health and safety issues, industry trends, computer skills, business management or related areas of practice, as long as the shows or courses are dutifully registered with the Board, and can provide written proof of your attendance or course completion.
Rollover Provision: If you have already completed approved CE courses, or will have completed approved CE courses prior to the end of this year (or before January 1, 2002), the hours may be used to fulfill up to five (5) hours of the new requirements. This is a one-time rollover provision.
Electronic Courses Allowed: CE courses given over the Internet, by home study or some other electronic method will be permitted as a way of getting CE, as long as the courses are properly registered with the Board.

The Georgia State Board of Barbers and Georgia State Board of Cosmetology reciprocity requirements are according to O.C.G.A. 43-10-9, which states that reciprocity may be extended to licensees from other states and countries that have similar training and licensing requirements and will extend reciprocity to Georgia licensees. Out-of-country applicants' training will be reviewed by the board, and individuals may be required to take both the written and practical exam. The Georgia State Board of Cosmetology does not reciprocate with California, Florida, Hawaii or New York. For all other states, reciprocity will be granted (or denied) on an individual basis in accordance with the law.

The Georgia State Board of Barbers has Endorsement, and therefore, will accept licensees from other states with similar licensure requirements and having no disciplinary action against their license. The Georgia State Board of Barbers does not endorse licenses from Alabama, California, Washington, D.C., Hawaii, Nevada, Washington or Oklahoma. For all other states, endorsement will be granted (or denied) on an individual basis in accordance with the law.